At NJ Party Shop, Our aim is to make shopping for your party as fun as the party itself. You are the most important person in our business and shopping online should be equally easy, fun and exciting. . Please feel free to write in to us for any reason at all. Any feedback, testimonials, suggestions, criticism and of course compliments / appreciation that we receive from you will help us to improve our services. We take pride in our work at and hearing from our clients makes the job all the more fulfilling. Our customer service section will help you answer any and all of your questions.
Not receiving our replies?
If you are not receiving any replies to your emails:
It's possible our email replies are being blocked by your email program or by your internet service provider (ISP). Many email programs provide protection against spam or bulk mails, but sometimes even legitimate commercial emails, like an email from our customer support department or automatic order status notification emails, can get blocked by mistake.
Check your 'Spam' or 'Bulk' folders for mails from us or contact your network administrator or internet service provider for advice.
If you are still not receiving our emails, do call us.
We will be happy to post your testimonials and photographs on our site in the testimonials and photo collage section / our blog / our social media initiatives. Please do not contribute any private, IPR protected or abusive content.